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Darwin ex Machina

When a story-teller; in a play, novel or movie;  paints his characters or plot into a corner from which there is no believable exit, he can always use – Deus ex Machina -“God from the machine ” – to move the characters or story in the direction he wants them to go, to arrive at the conclusion he wants the audience to make.


The hero has rescued the damsel and they are escaping, but, the villains have cornered them in a warehouse and surrounded them with fifty men holding – machineguns – crossbows – spears – name your poison. The chief villain gives the command to kill them. The ground begins to rumble, an earthquake shakes the building down, crushing the villains but missing the hero and heroine because they are standing under a skylight. In the final scene you see them  upright and unharmed in the middle of the rubble. Dues ex machina.

The key to the success of this Plot Device, is giving the audience what they want. The boy gets the girl; the deserving orphan gets the treasure; the likable rogue gets a slap on the wrist but escapes real harm. The truly evil are destroyed.

In Star Trek, the audience, and the advertisers, don’t want to see Kirk put on a pressure suit, enter the lander, leave the mother ship, compute his orbit and landing trajectory, fire the retros, descend through a flaming re-entry, pop the chutes, float down to a landing on land or water, be picked up and carried to the next setting in the story. So, he just ‘Beams’ down, or, is ‘Teleported’ to the next scene. There is no such device, nor is it considered possible by any but the most starry-eyed scientists. It does not figure in any plans NASA has for future Space Exploration.
But, it is an excellent way to move Capt. Kirk and crew from  Enterprise to  planet and back again before the next commercial.

Deus ex Machina’s are to be found in every human endeavor; writing of fiction, politics, advertizing, and even in that holiest of all Holies – Science.
Nowhere is this ancient Grecian Plot Device applied more liberally than among the faithful followers of Charlie Darwin. In fact, it can reasonably be said they have invented their own, unique, variation of this literary tool; Darwin ex Machina;
It is statistically impossible for the 286 proteins necessary; to be randomly generated, gathered in one place and precisely arranged as to form the simplest possible life, a single cell.
So, how did happen? Darwin ex Machina.
Darwinian Evolution is dependant on a very specific type of genetic mutation; the Addition of information to the genetic code contained in the DNA; that has never, NEVER been observed in nature. In fact, all that we have learned about mutations in the code, point to the Rigidity of the genetic material. Countless experiments and observations show that the slightest error in transmitting genetic material from parent to offspring is “Relentlessly Fatal.”
So, if the only possible means of explaining a theory of Origins and Diversity of Species is shown, empirically and experimentally to be an impossibility, how do you keep your Theory from being tossed in the trashcan? Darwin ex Machina.

If you hang around a devout Christian or Jew for any length of time, you’ll probably hear them say at one point or another, “With God, all things are possible.”
Apparently the faithful followers of Charlie Darwin believe the same is true of their hero; “With Charlie, all things are possible.” Darwin ex Machina. If that isn’t idolatry, it’s awfully close to it.

When you read that over millions of years, a rat sized creature, by way of countless mutations in genetic material, accumulated enough changes to become an upright human being, you are reading a work of fiction, a piece of literature, a novel as it were. The writer isn’t using scientific tools or methods, but literary ones; plot devices, to move the story in the direction they want it to take, to a forgone conclusion.
It can make for amusing reading. But it can’t be called Science by any stretch of the imagination.